Day in day out, up and about running errands, hittings targets, accomplishing goals can drain all energy and zeal to take on tasks ahead when you do not give yourself (body & mind) the time to take a break, offload and prepare for the upcoming. Is it natural to feel exasperated at the thought of another week approaching? Is there an escape?

With these Sunday rituals, you will know exactly where you are headed and can feel yourself the first day of the week, ready to beat those goals. 

  1. Scheduling time for self-care and pampering yourself is very important. Do things that you love to do for pleasure like skincare, haircare, cooking, baths, spending time with loved ones, etc.
  2. Once you’ve felt fulfillment from doing things you love, visualize your week unfolding as you devote yourself to every activity. Visualize yourself accomplishing the tasks before you and map out each step.
  3. Use a journal, your phone, or your laptop to make a to-do list of all the things of these steps day by day. This will not only help you remember what needs to be done but also track your progress.
  4. Contrary to the point previously made, pull yourself away from work and find another place outside of it. During this time, you can catch up with your friends, social media, the movie series or reality show you have been watching, etc.
  5. Retire to bed earlier than usual so you can wake up early the next morning. “Early to bed and early to rise, the early bed gets the early worm”. 

You need to remember that how you start off your week will have a major impact on how the rest of the week will be.

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