Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver. Not only to the liver but cleanses the human system.

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CPP newsletter February 2011


  1. Promotes Healthy Changes

It’s hard to change a long-standing habit, and a detox program – no matter how long – is one way to put a wedge between your old ways and your new ones. If you have addictions to sugar, caffeine, fried, or crunchy foods you can use a detox program to help you kill those cravings. Often if you just try to quit eating those foods or drinking those beverages you’ll have limited success, and go back to your old ways. But if you cleanse the body and replace those foods with healthier choices, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick to your new habits.



  1. Lighter Feeling

One of the reported benefits of detoxing is a feeling of being lighter. There are several reasons why this would be the case, especially if you’ll be doing a colon cleanse as part of the program. When you stop eating foods that weigh you down, and replace them with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, a lighter feeling is bound to occur. It’s also important not to overeat while detoxing, which will yield a lighter feeling as well, and will give you the energy you’ve been missing.


  1. Anti-Aging Benefits

The constant barrage of toxins that the body has to deal with is one contributing factor to the aging process. By reducing the amount of free radical damage done to the body, you’re going to see not only short term benefits, but also long term benefits in an increased longevity. When you finish your detox program, it’s very important not to go right back to the lifestyle that was causing the toxicity. Sticking to a improved diet and getting daily activity are great ways to make sure that you feel good each moment of your life


  1. Better Breath

Follow a detox program that includes a colon cleanse because those toxins need to be released from the body. It’s been theorized that one contributor to bad breath is a backed up colon. When you are able to clear it out and get your digestive system functioning well again, you may find that your breath improves. Be aware that your breath may actually worsen during the detoxing process, but when it’s finished it will be better. This is natural, and occurs as toxins are released from the body.




  1. Helps with Weight Loss

It’s easy to see how a detox diet would cause you to lose weight in the short term, but a healthier way to look at it would be to establish long-term eating habits, and rid yourself of unhealthy habits. Many times it is the drastic reduction in calories and rapid weight loss that is focused on, especially in the media. But these short-term results won’t last if you don’t make it a point to replace bad foods with good, and use your newfound energy to exercise more and be more active overall.


  1. Stronger Immune System

When you detox the body you free up your organs to function the way they should. This helps to give your immune system a boost since you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better, including Vitamin C. Many of the herbs you take while on a detox will help the lymphatic system, which plays a big role in keeping you healthy and firing on all cylinders. Many detox programs also focus on light exercises which help to circulate lymph fluid through the body and helps it to drain, strengthening your immune system in the process.


  1. Boosts Your Energy

Many detox drinks makes us feel more energetic. This would make sense because while you’re detoxing you’re stopping the incursion of the things that caused you to need a detox in the first place. By cutting out the caffeine, sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, and replacing them with fresh vegetables and fruits, you’ll be getting a natural energy boost, one that comes without a resultant crash. It’s vital to stay well hydrated while on any detox program and that can also be a source of increased energy if you typically don’t get enough water throughout the day


  1. A Realization or Epiphany 

When we eat a diet that has healing properties and lessens the burden on our body, we make room in our mind and body for other things. Purification occurs, a clearing out, and this makes room for your mind to be more clear and focused. New ideas start to flow and a problem or situation can be understood from a new and deeper perspective. This may be the perfect time to create a vision board and do some deep reflective thinking.


  1. Increase in Your Vibrational Frequency  

You are what you eat, and when you load up on whole organic enzyme rich food, which has a high vibration frequency, you also become more attuned with higher vibration. The shorter the time from garden, vine or tree to table- the higher the energy contained in the food. When our bodies receive high vibration energy from fresh natural foods, it assimilates this energy throughout our bodies, which in turn raises our vibrational frequency. The more you connect with nature and food, the closer you become to your own true nature.



Pomegranate-Ginger-detox-Drink-4 (1)

PomPink Detox





Ice cubes (optional)

How To Prepare

Slice the pomegranate into the blender.

Cut a thumb size of ginger and add it to the pomegranate.

Blend both the pomegranate and ginger.

Squeeze the orange juice into the blended mixture.

Blend it again for 15sec.

Pour the blended mixture in a nice drinking glass.

Enjoy it the chilled way.   






Contact: +233263931535

Fitness Trainer and Nutritionist.

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