Fashion is being redefined as SOPHIA HATTING creates a pair of glasses with the most unusual material. She sources her inspiration from her sense of feminism from which she generates a different perspective in terms of glasses. Her products challenge conventional stereotypes in fashion and art. Her fashion style raises a lot of questions and issues around gender stereotypes.
The 21-year-old Auckland-based fashion and product designer use human hair for her glasses which well known for its controversy Hatting’s five-piece collection “Slip into Skin”, is a year’s worth of work she completed as part of her AUT (Auckland University of Technology) design degree. Her collection is a signifies the celebration of women.
Why Pubic Hair?
According to HATTING, she followed a design movement called “Critical Design”, which is about designing for the purpose of debate. Although her glasses raised issues around gender stereotypes that didn’t stop her from producing the glasses. She made the glasses by setting hair in resin and formed a block that was put into a CNC machine, which is like a 3D drill that is programmed to cut out what has been designed. Even though using pubic hair to make the glasses raised a lot of issues and complaints she managed to get pubic hair from people across the globe by putting it out on Facebook or Instagram
What The Slip into Skin Collection Stands For?
Sophia Hatting uses hair in making her glasses so as to give a highly articulate and educated voice to a rising tide of dissent against traditional ideals of beauty. She set out to provoke discussion, not only about the gender conventions attached to eyewear.
Sophia Hatting is a leading example of the effect of fashion on the society, she sends her message of gender stereotyping through lenses of the fashion and glam.