Just Married” by Felix-Edouard Kouassi is a love story captured in Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire.
Inspired by 1990s wedding photographs, this editorial explores the modesty of love, the freshness and fragility of youth, and the timeless essence of an everlasting, unbreakable promise.
The story is told through two main scenes: the Wedding Day and the Honeymoon.
Creative Direction: Felix-Edouard Kouassi
Photographer: Lugi Vince
Styling: Yann-Axel Seba, Felix-Edouard Kouassi
Styling Assistant: Orlane Ngoua
Hair Consulting: Yua
Hair Make-up Artist: Melissa Distria
Talents: Meliane Koulamé, Dakouri Jean Levi
Brands: Hybride Studio, Stephane Taho, Maria Akpess Lingerie, Trust in Tribe, ByOnèn, Cocolola
Special thanks to La Manzane, Yohan Azema
The Wedding Day
The Honeymoon