Its Sad ! Ghanaian Models Cannot Go International ?

With a distinctive clear observation in the modelling industry here in Ghana, The country cannot boast of 50% of successful models in the industry, unlike our Nigerian and South African counterpart. It’s not only my dream to see Ghanaian Models excelling on local platforms but also international platforms. Every model you see today wants to walk in top fashion weeks around the globe but the question is        HOW PREPARED ARE YOU!? As a model, do you know your strength and how often do you add value to your personal brand?DO YOU EVEN LOOK LIKE A MODEL?  Here are few points gathered from observation and interviews prior to this article.


Most Ghanaian models are not self-disciplined thus they are not able to know the needful. Speaking with an agency head based in Ghana he said most models here are not respectful and are not ready to learn all about the industry. After signing into an agency, the go around booking jobs behind their agencies and later exploited by this client” this is not done and unaccepted under no circumstance on the international stage. Do you read contracts that you sign given to you by your agency? Just because a client comes to you instead of your agency to book you doesn’t mean you are the best No ! You are only discouraging your agency from investing in you with your bad and selfish attitude.


In recent years, there has been inbreed of modelling agencies in Ghana.  Good ones and others nothing to write home about. These agencies have little or no clue about the industry or with no structure yet the extort money from these novices and leaving them with no grooming or better understanding of the industry. Sadly, they are not able to unearth the potentials of these models. Faux agencies are the dream killers in the Ghanaian modelling industry. As an upcoming model, its only right of you to research on any agency that wants to sign you on and with that, it gives you a clearer and better understanding of what you are getting into.One of the first places that an aspiring model comes is to a reputable modelling agency. To be an agent you will have to have experience in the modelling world, contacts with fashion buyers, the media, photographers, casting agents and more. The modelling agent is responsible for the booking of shoots and fashion shows for the models he or she has on the books and will also accept new model hopefuls into a modelling program or course to teach them the business. You are responsible for the safety of the children, women and men that you have on your books and will organize all of the payments to each model for the specific jobs they do.


Money is a problem in every aspect of any industry yet with well-structured layouts, it attracts investors into the field. Agencies owners are not willing to invest fully into models that will book jobs behind their agencies and sign to other agencies outside the country without the consent of their mother agency. Models, don’t forget that the industry is a business and every penny of investment must be ripped. In addition,


Unlike the movie and music industry in Ghana where visas are easily acquired by these famous celebrities, models are exceptional to this opportunity. They either have to go the hard way to get visas or get rejected in the end.


Internationally, it’s advisable to be in an agency to be able to get booked by major casting directors for top shows and fashion weeks. Freelance modelling is not a thing internationally. The dream is not only to get signed but get booked.

It Is Appalling That Ghana With All The Good Looking Models Are Not Able To Make It To The International Stage And Also Not Recognize. We Are Part Of This Layback. If Agencies Will Scout The Right People, If Agencies Will Put Up A Better Structure Instead Of Fighting For “Celebrity Models “, If Models Will Understand The Need To Be in an x Agency And Have Self Discipline, If Models Will See The Industry As A Business Platform And Not A Play Ground, If Models Will Add Value To Their Modeling Careers May Be The Industry Will Be More Recognize And Will Deserve Some Accolades Instead Of How Its Perceive Today In The Country.


  1. Ghanaian models can’t go international because they lack self branding and motivation as well as they rather invest in cheap joint clubbing and alcohols than taking risks to travel out there for model calls.
    Compairing other African countries to Ghana and how the models overthere invest on themselves.. there are so much way to position yourself in the market segmentation here in Ghana and across Globe.
    I have seen so much Ghanaian models coming for fashion shows with one single shoes,what they don’t get is,”its a win win thing” the event organizers need you the models to work with,so as the designers on the show,and as well as you need show as a model to project your brand out should atleast get more than enough petty items that will always make you stand out on the runway.

    I always hear them crying because event organizers don’t pay them well,sponsors hardly pay event organizers but they try hard to put up a very good platforms to make shows,the issue is,if you are a model in Ghana,you need to be highly committed,dedicated and humble..make good use of the runway which you think you ain’t getting well paid for,get great pictures and put it out there and see if models scouts won’t one there see the good work you’ve been up for.

    They should also make it a point to take risks; most Ghanaian models don’t travel for model casting calls outside because they think they might not excel. When you do that,you lack confidence and you will always end up walking on local shows..there’s always a try and you might never know who you meet there or what might come by for you..there’s always opportunity giving to those who travel far for castings..they should note should always brand yourself very well, make sure you meet the specific requirement and effortless be confident and will always be on the winning side.

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