The Editor’s Meets Fashion Brunch 2022 Starts The New Year In Style

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Debonair Afrik began its year with its annual New Year event, The Editor’s Meets Brunch. The themed event has seen much patronage as guests were expected to style according to themes. 2022’s TEM Brunch was themed, “In Time of Luxe”.

Click here to access all photos from The Editors Meet Fashion Brunch #Teambrunch2022

The Brunch featured performances from DJ Lissa Monet, The Wanted Band; Ria Boss and Titi Owusu. The event had a panel discussion with Rozan Ahmed and Alexanda Julien, moderated by Fife on the topic “Style, Story and Identity: Fashion’s Role in Communicating the Multi-textured Fabric of Africa”.

TEM Brunch’s tradition of the new year’s toast was the highlight of the day! The toast proposed by the Editor In Chief and Founder of Debonair Afrik, Emmanuel Ekuban and his team. Nuel Bans as he is known in creative space shared his heartfelt message recounting how far Black Creatives have come and to celebrate another mile stone of winnings and long life. The toast amidst fireworks and confetti climaxed the event with loud cheers, laughter and best wishes for the Fashion year ahead.

An event that started as a conversion among African fashion shareholders has now grown to be a New Year’s premium fashion experience that no one wants to be left out. The Editor’s Meets Brunch is an initiative of Debonair Afrik to gather people in the African fashion industry and fashion lovers to have progressive deliberations about African fashion, network and celebrate the creativity that exists in the continent’s fashion scene.

TEM Brunch 2022 produced by Debonair Afrik Studios, sponsored by GH. MUMM was supported by Wax Print Media, designed by JR, décor by Tinsel Events, and hosted by Vanessa Gyan did all the justice in setting the tone for the fashion year, African luxury style!


Click here to access all photos from The Editors Meet Fashion Brunch #Teambrunch2022


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