“The Queen of the Congo” / A photo series by Djibril Dramé

An intimate conversation through visuals with German/ Congolese actress Karmela Shako. 

Stylism: Ibrahima Ndome et Goundo

Recently Movement Director on “All I Dream About is Sports” directed by Gabriel Moses and Pharrell Williams, Djibril Drame is a Senegalese-born visual artist. His work strives to shed light on socially relevant and potentially controversial issues affecting the world today. His art reflects the many aspects of Africa’s multifaceted history and the countless cultures that intertwine within it: he proposes an alternative African narrative. In recent years, Djibril has also been heavily involved in cinema. Djibril’s work has been presented at international art fairs such as Art X Lagos and 154 African Art Fair Paris. Djibril’s first solo exhibition dates back to 2012 in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) at Haus der Jugend Freiburg. In 2023, Djibril will exhibit a retrospective of his 15 years in photography at Mehari Sequar Gallery in Washington DC. The importance of Djibril Dramé’s work lies in his use of materials, which focuses on themes of sustainability through waste management, the reuse of animal skulls, and innovation in fashion and textiles in a context of reflection on cultural knowledge and research.



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