Communicating through fashion started with illustration, drawing and painting which is generally known as art. It is commissioned for reproduction in fashion magazines as editorial feature for the purpose of advertising and promoting fashion makers, boutiques and department stores. Illustration is basically an addiction to the fashion industry
After an online survey conducted on the Evolvement of fashion illustrations in Ghana, we decided to list our Haute Top 10 Fashion Illustrators In Ghana. This compilation is based on the conceptual beauty and style that they exude through their work and visual arts.
English based fashion illustrator of Ghanaian Heritage. From an early age, She have nurtured a natural talent in art, drawing all things fashion.Peniel Enchill specialize in fashion and lifestyle illustrations with a particular grounding on my West African culture and heritage. “I believe there isn’t enough positivity in the media and the fashion industry of my ethnicity and thus plan to make an impact one sketch at a time.”
A young Artistic and talented Papa Oppong likes to focus on high fashion and glamour.. which makes his illustrations looks powerful, confident and unstoppable and This to describes the modern day, 21st century woman AND Also having to sketch celebrities like ,Rihanna , Beyoncé to mention a few .
Steve French is a Ghanaian fashion student with a flair for extravagant designs. He is inspired by the female form and aims to accentuate a woman’s natural beauty with his designs. Born and raised in Accra, Ghana, he has a brother and a sister. Drawing came about for Steve French when he was a young boy at age 8. In those days he started drawing cartoon characters and would pay close attention to the character’s outfits. At an early age he developed his avant garde aesthetic. As a young boy school desks, walls, dusty car windows and textbooks became his canvas for drawing his captivating designs.


Stunnin Denzel , 18 years old fashion illustrator born and raised in Accra – Ghana Who happens to be the youngest fashion illustrator in the industry.. As spectacular and unique his sketches , He is influence by music arts and fashion trends .A Look at his sketches, his mood flows through out his work and the trendiness of African fashion and print inspires him to sketch something new all the time.
“Illustration for me has always been an expression of liberation more than drawing. Half the time im illustrating.. I’ll say im zoned out. Zoned out in a sense that I let go off all ‘rules’ surrounding the conventional way of doing things. My illustrations are inspired by the art of surrealism which basically seeks to defy all convention artwise. Also, with respect to illustrating the work of other designers, I feel this generation of African fashion designers are pioneering a movement that is drilling its way into the fashion scene outside Africa. And thats my little way of paying Homage and telling the world that Africa’s on the come up”
LAUREN focus on fashion illustration and uses different mediums to design and draw collections that will be used in the future as ideas for garments. With regards to her style, she do not really have one and loves to draw different types of clothing however maybe in the future when trying to open a label She will try and stick to a style.’I focus on realism and really trying to capture the texture of fabrics in my illustrations. My most common medium is markers such as Promarkers, Copic ciao’s and the Copic sketch series.’
A young and upcoming illustrator whose illustrations are inspired by high fashion brands, fashion icons, magazines, the beauty of creation and generally the world around HER…
AS a Fashion Illustrator,Women inspires him to create.A woman who is in control of how she looks earns my admiration, and when that happens I pencil my admiration away. ‘When I listen to music, soul music especially, I get super inspired to do what I’m best at doing. And even the mere feeling of creating something drives me to do it..