From Over Looked To Over Booked  Uthman Bangura

 Uthman Bangura  is a  Sierra Leonean Ghana base Model . Just as Celebrating personalities making waves in other fields , its only worth to celebrate individuals putting Ghana on the African fashion Map effortlessly.

Not withstanding the horrible racism and treatment of black models in the fashion scene , Some models are going against all odds to make their dreams a reality .
Uthman Bangura  is a  Sierra Leonean Ghana base Model who has become of the seek -after  famous faces that walked the Ramp at the just ended samw17.

The beginning of this year , we predicted him as one of the faces to watch in the modeling scene this year and surely Today , He is currently one of the highly booked models during fashion weeks in Africa . ( Top Ten(10) Uprising Models to Watch in 2017 )

Also , he is also signed to 20 management in South Africa and My booker model management in Nigeria .At the Just ended South African Menswear Week (SAMW 2017 ) Uthman was booked for 8 designers out of 14 designers . See below for images


  1. always have my trust in you bro uthman I know u are a potential and u will do it and continue doing it …from ur bro #model #MED CLASSIC # TIM #SIERRA LEONE….

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