Joyce Ababio College Of Creative Designs Graduates New Students


Joyce Ababio College of Creative Design (JACCD) last weekend graduated its 2016 batch of both fashion and graphic design students.

Madam Dzifa Gomashie, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts speaking at the graduation ceremony advised the graduates to put the skills gained from their training at JACCD to attract customers as well as keep them.

She encouraged them to be “consistent and take the customers’ needs into consideration” and not just focus about pleasing themselves.

Ken Attoh, Creative Director of Sparrow Productions who was also a guest at the ceremony told the graduating class to collaborate with other creatives in the industry to get their work to gain global attention.

He added that they “use the internet effectively to share their work to catch the attention of well-known designers around the world”

Ken Attoh mentioned the strategy Sparrows Production has effected to give more opportunities to some of the students from JACCD and looks forward to collaborating with those who will work with their productions in the future.

This year’s graduation which was themed “Fashion face-off: Couture and Avant-Garde saw students showcase their creativity on the runway to the admiration of parents and guests.

The night also saw some selected students compete in a “Vlisco Designer Competition” with which Jonathan Djiegu was awarded the winner of the competition.

Mercy Elorm Dansu and Priscilla Scott-Obaro also won the “Most Outstanding students”

Overall, 160 students graduated in certificate course out of which 154 were Fashion Students and 6 Graphic Designers.

Joyce Ababio Fashion and Design School (JACCD) has since its launch has produced some of the top designers in Ghana and Africa.




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