Kanta (Sakordie) Or Manifest (godmc ) Who Is The Most Stylish Emcee?

The buzz on social media between Sarkordie and Manifest has gone beyond who is the best rapper  but who is more stylish when the rappers attacked each other lyrically in their new mixtapes.

 From his haircuts to his shoes, shades, color combinations, his entire style just gives you some sort of orgasm then you begin to wonder what planet he comes from. All hail our very own Kanye, Sarkordie. He is like a walking bank, living the perfect boss life wearing all those gold necklaces, super expensive wrist watches, leather pants, his jackets…yes his jackets. Can you find those in Ghana? But then what happened to his clothing line Sark, I still have that cap I emptied my bank account to buy.

However, the African in me cannot ignore the aphrocentric  Manifest. The African vibe he emits with his style, there is always a part of him that reminds us of our roots although fantasizing about pradas and zanottis are allowed. Effortlessly, he pulls off this look with African beads round his neck and wrists. You find his wearing a t-shirt and jeans shorts probably but never without the bell that rings am African round his neck.

Which of these two styles do you like? How do you think either of them will look in the style of the other?

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