Sliced avocado on a cutting board

Avocado is a fruit with great benefits and magnificent look of it nature. I term it as a Vegetable and a Fruit (V.A.F). It’s one of the best calorie diets you can have in your nutritional diet. Adding avocado to your dish beautifies and serves it nutritional benefit to those who enjoy it. Here are list of the most essential avocado lacerate because you deserve it. And because it’ll help you eat even more avocado.

1 .368 Calories

2. 4.6 g of Protein

3.19.62 g of Carbohydrate

4. 1166 mg of Potassium

5.23.0 mg of Vitamin C

6. 175 mg Beta-sitosterol

7.0 mg Cholesterol



1. To preserve a perfectly ripe avocado you’re not quite ready to eat, pop it in the fridge. This will slow down the ripening process.

2. If you’re out of breakfast dishes or baking pans or both, just use an avocado — this is also known as the eggocado. Just drop an egg into the hole of an avocado, bake until set and eat. Best breakfast around.

3. Get the most out of an avocado by cutting it into quarters and peeling the skin away. It’s the most efficient way to eat this fruit.

4. If you’re unsure whether an avocado is ready to eat, look underneath the stem. If the skin under the stem is brown, it’s too ripe. If it’s green, it’s good to go. And if the stem doesn’t come off easily, the avocado isn’t ripe yet.

5. You can quickly ripen a too-hard avocado by putting it in a paper bag at room temperature. If all goes well, it can mature to perfect guacamole-making texture in a matter of days. This may not be lightning fast, but it speeds up the natural process significantly.

6. If you need an avocado to mature faster than that, add an apple, banana or pear. The fruits emit ethylene gas, a compound that promotes ripening.

7. However, if you’ve already cut into that avocado, be sure to cover it before refrigerating — lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or good ol’ fashion Saran Wrap will help keep it from turning brow


Have a nice Recipe for the week.

IngredientBaked Beans Full Avocado Dandelion/Kale/Lettuce Vegetable Oil Lime Juice Direction

1. Slice the avocado into suitable sizes in a nice plate

2. Chop the dandelion/Kale/Lettuce and add to the avocado

3. Add a hand dull of baked beans to the mixture.

4. Sprinkle the vegetable oil unto the mixture

5. Sprinkle the lime.

6. Mix-up the ingredients gently.

7. Enjoy.




Contact: +233263931535

Fitness Trainer and Nutritionist.

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