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A young lady on a journey.
A journey which teaches us not to rush in life, but take one step at a time,challenge yourself not to use shortcuts but endure  the hardships of life when they come.

Each chapter of her life depicts the necessary steps she has to take to get to her destination.
There might be fast and easy ways
But she prefers the smooth long ride.
Its a cycled journey which will take a while for her to get to her destination
But she knows she will definitely get there.
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And as everyone else rushes, she is just calm, because she knows the end is going to be~ A Fruitful One
An end which will be breath taking and graceful
Just because she enjoyed a ride on her Bu-SAN-Ga

Photo credit @phloshop

MUA @raeyas__makeover

Crop Top @fintina_gh
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