The Exhibition Reception By the British Council Of Ghana

The British council of Ghana hosted the first ever fashion illustration exhibition with @mrgrundberry last Saturday at the British Council of Ghana’s premises . The fashion illustrated painting was a collaborative work between Eric Grundberry Aidoo ( fashion illustrator and a fashion creative designer ) and Mr Prince Kojo Hilton ( President of the Ghana visual artist association , a visual artist and a concept developer )

#dromo , as the artist calls the great master piece was designed under the theme #war_keeping . It shows all the aid Africa gets from all the powerful nations and organizations in the world but yet still we are suffering as a Continent . this symbolises that all the great nations and organizations are helping but Africa isn’t getting the positive outcome from all the help.

Peace keeping has been going on in Africa for years but yet still we have war , meaning the war is been kept than the peace that was supposed to be achieved

There was also a talk by the Editor in Chief of Debonair Afrik , Nuelbans on Fashion Careers and choosing them wisely .

The night saw lost of creative enthusiast and Fashion students in attendance at the British council

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